Sunday, March 29, 2009

MY ROSES - "Fi to Fr"

FILIPES "KIFTSGATE": Old Rambler introduced in United Kingdom by E. Murrell in 1954. A huge rambler that we have growing up into our cedar trees next to Paul's Himalayan Musk. It is slightly behind PHM in bloom time, but there is a period when they are both out together and the fragrance from them en-mass is wonderful. Pictures of Paul's Himalayan Musk can be viewed from "My Roses alphabetical list" in the side bar on the right here. As with most ramblers, the bloom time is just once, but so worth that four week "rush". They are both truly a sight to behold and garden visitors are blown away by these two beautiful ramblers. The trusses of Kiftsgate are enormous, hundreds of little flowers on one stem. One cut stem makes a wonderful bouquet on it's own and I am really anxious to share these photos of this magnificent rose. The colour is milky white and each single flower is shaped like a little cup. For more information on this rose you may see it at the website of Kiftsgate Court Garden. Please click on images.
FERDINAND PICHARD: Hybrid Perpetual. Bred in France by Remi Tanne. 1920. I really like this rose, the fragrance, which is strong and it's overall performance in the garden. I enjoy the rich burgundy and light pink to white stripes and find it most attractive. It also looks great in a vase with mixed roses or other flowers. Pretty well never without blooms and very prolific.
FLOWER CARPET: Shrub - also known as a ground cover rose. Bred by Werner Noack. 1988 in Germany. My Flower Carpet roses have been standard or tree roses. I have had four for several years and they have put on a delightful show going down one side of our driveway alternating with red leaved Japanese flowering plum trees. We were quite proud of them, but one by one, with the sheer weight of the heads, three of them have snapped. and bent right over, one completely was decapitated. Very sad. The two with broken necks still have survived, goodness knows how, but they only look very unattractive in the winter without there leaves and blooms, otherwise they are still living. One is still with it's head. Poor souls. When we redo our front garden, I would love to purchase some more, but only if we can get the nice height of the standards we have - high enough for the deer to to be unable to reach. Anyway here is a picture of one in it's hay day. When we do replace them, we will be more diligent in keeping the head quite light or at the very least, well supported. As you can see, they get nice large trusses of mildly fragrant bright deep pink blooms.
FREDERICK MISTRAL: Hybrid Tea. Bred by Alain Meilland in France. 1995. This rose is gorgeous and has everything going for it, in my opinion. Luscious pink, sometimes dusty looking, depending on temperatures, I think. Intensely strong fragrance to die for. Very prolific and vigorous. Flowers are of beautiful form and born singularly and in small clusters on long stems. An all round great rose - and a photographer's dream rose too!! :)
Below, three Frederic Mistral blooms with Pretty Jessica center right and complimentary Amber Queen.
Thank you for looking. Pauline.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Our Back Garden!

Gee, this has been one of my most difficult posts up to now, never would I have thought it, but I wanted to post some garden shots. I know that is what I really like to look at on other blogs, but only to find, I had taken so many pictures that I could not choose. So here are some at random......and it does not really matter, because there are thousands more, teehee!These, in particular are all of our back garden. Don't forget to click on the pics! :)
Thanks for looking!

Monday, March 16, 2009

MY ROSES - 'Ga to Go"

GARDEN PARTY: Hybrid Tea. Bred by Herbert C. Swim. 1959 in United States. A beautiful classic bloom of off-white to creamy pale yellow with edges blushed with pink. It looks like a paler version of Peace to me. I think I prefer this colouring. Though the fragrance is considered mild I think it is very pleasant - reminds me of apple blossom and so does the colour of the rose. Usually born singularly on long stems - beautiful in arrangements and compliments other colours in roses. I really like this rose. I have two bushes of it.
GEMINI: Hybrid Tea. Bred by Dr. Keith W. Zary. 1991 in the United states. A very popular exhibition rose, cream to pink blend, fragrance is mild, but a keeper for sure! Classic Hybrid Tea form - has won many awards.........and rightly so! - I need say no more!
GOLDEN CELEBRATION: English Rose. Bred by David Austin.1992 in United Kingdom. Many petalled, beautiful classic old rose form, strong fragrance. To my eyes, this is the best yellow with hints of peach to give it that really warm look. Very floriferous. Blooms nod a bit, but there are so many, that it just gives a romantic aura to the bush. The rose that I have the most pictures of - I cannot stop photographing iy. It is truly gorgeous. Also it is one of the first to bloom in our garden.

Friday, March 6, 2009

BUTCHART GARDENS (in early Spring)

The Capital City of British Columbia is Victoria, which is situated on Vancouver Island separated from the mainland by the Straits of Georgia. I live about 1hr and 40mins drive from Victoria. It is a beautiful city with a very old British flare to it. One of it's most beautiful attributes are the famous Butchart Gardens, which beauty is enjoyed year round by travellers from all over the World. I try and visit at least once a year. It changes so much from month to month. The pictures below were taken in early Spring. I am hoping to go back again in late Spring and take more pictures. It will look very different then. Hope you enjoy looking, and if you have not already, then I hope you get a chance at some point in time to visit this beautiful place. Link to Butchart Gardens. Please click on images - you will almost feel you are there!
The Sunken Gardens
>Lake and fountains. I believe at Christmas time, the gardens are magical and beautifully illuminated, all through the gardens as well as these fountains. Hopefully there will be something about it on their web site.
Towards the exit of the Japanese gardens, (no pictures unfortunately), one encounters an unexpected look-out point, a hole carved out of the cedar trees, exposing this awesome view. ..............and stepping through a clearing there is an even better viewpoint of this little harbour.
The Italian Garden
Through the window of the glass room
and on the way back home, are awesome views of the coastal mountains on the mainland. As this is a high road along a mountain pass called the Malahat Drive, there are several look-out points where one can stop and take in the magnificent scenery.