FLOWER CARPET: Shrub - also known as a ground cover rose. Bred by Werner Noack. 1988 in Germany. My Flower Carpet roses have been standard or tree roses. I have had four for several years and they have put on a delightful show going down one side of our driveway alternating with red leaved Japanese flowering plum trees. We were quite proud of them, but one by one, with the sheer weight of the heads, three of them have snapped. and bent right over, one completely was decapitated. Very sad. The two with broken necks still have survived, goodness knows how, but they only look very unattractive in the winter without there leaves and blooms, otherwise they are still living. One is still with it's head. Poor souls. When we redo our front garden, I would love to purchase some more, but only if we can get the nice height of the standards we have - high enough for the deer to to be unable to reach. Anyway here is a picture of one in it's hay day. When we do replace them, we will be more diligent in keeping the head quite light or at the very least, well supported. As you can see, they get nice large trusses of mildly fragrant bright deep pink blooms.

FREDERICK MISTRAL: Hybrid Tea. Bred by Alain Meilland in France. 1995. This rose is gorgeous and has everything going for it, in my opinion. Luscious pink, sometimes dusty looking, depending on temperatures, I think. Intensely strong fragrance to die for. Very prolific and vigorous. Flowers are of beautiful form and born singularly and in small clusters on long stems. An all round great rose - and a photographer's dream rose too!! :)
Below, three Frederic Mistral blooms with Pretty Jessica center right and complimentary Amber Queen.