I personally think that roses like this with heads that have a habit of facing downwards are far more appreciated when trained to climb………especially this rose and some of the Austin’s, when one can look into the blooms and appreciate them more. Unfortunately, up to now, I only have one photograph of this beautiful rose.
PARADE: Climber. Bred by Gene Boerner - 1953 in United States. This rose has deep pink. HT sized blooms in large clusters. Extremely floriferous and can put on quite a show, as you will see by pictures on HMF (HELP ME FIND) http://www.helpmefind.com/rose/pics.php?l=2.4648&nr=98343 grown by a rose colleague who frequents the Garden Web Roses Forum http://forums2.gardenweb.com/forums/roses/
I personally do not detect any fragrance with this rose. But it sure makes up for it in the abundance of blooms.
PARADISE: Hybrid Tea. Bred by Weeks - 1978 in the United States. This unique HT is a lovely shade of lavender with petals tipped at their edges with a light red blush. Depending on the amount of sun and the season, the colours and intensity will vary greatly. This is a beautifully shaped rose and is quite gorgeous in arrangements. Unfortunately, I do not detect much in the way of fragrance, but it is a keeper because of its unusual colour and beauty.
1 comment:
Pauline you're roses, and pictures of the roses, are truly beautiful! I can smell them!!
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